Ron Ferguson reads my blog

August 25, 2009

You can read Ron Ferguson’s comment on my blog about “Life and Work.”  I’ve got real work to do at the moment so I can’t reply right away.  But I intend to.

One Response to “Ron Ferguson reads my blog”

  1. Vera McCulloch Says:

    First of all, I can’t find your Blog on ‘Life and Work’ to read Ron Ferguson’s reply .
    This is really for Ron and those who think and feel like him .
    As far as Leviticus is concerned, I am reminded of Eric Alexander’s sermons on ‘The Law of God. ‘
    He teaches that one must be able to distinguish between the Ceremonial Law, the Sacrificial Law and the Moral Law of God.This sorts out the various strange commands such as not planting two kinds of seed in one field,bringing sacrifices to the temple for the forgiveness of sins,various ceremonial laws from the very personal and moral commands , such as to honour you father and your mother, to love the stranger in your midst, to Love the Lord your God, instructions as to sexual behaviour i.o.w.the way God wants us to behave as people of his flock.
    The Sacrificial Law and the Ceremonial Law fell away with the coming of Christ and his sacrifice on the cross.(since He was the full and final sacrifice for our sins.)But the Moral Law, the Ten Commandments were for all people at all times,including our own time.(When last did one hear the Ten Commandments read out from any pulpit, taught in school or even in Sunday school ?or Bible class ?Is that really what is wrong with our sick society today ?People are ignorant of the Ten Commandments?)
    But his is what God expects from us.

    For those who take issue with Leviticus 18 ,that whole chapter has to do do with wrong sexual relationships and spells out in detail every possible instance of incest, bestialty, even child sacrifice . . Among all these abberations or abomonations (as Scripture calls them,) homosexuality is mentioned alongside the others and condemned outright . Anyone reading this chapter, whether a Christian or not, will agree that these relationships(eg.incest) are very wrong indeed and totally unacceptable- still to this day.Why then should homosexuality alone be excepted and be acceptable today, when it is mentioned in the same breath, as it were, with incest, bestialty and child sacrife ? (certainly in the same context)
    The answer must be that the Homosexual lobby has worked very hard indeed , and succeeded in their bid to become acceptable to society at large ; indeed , they have made inroads in every single sphere of life, including the Church and the Government, schools , the workplace – you name it , they are everywhere and demanding to be heard and to be accepted. So much so that this Government has passed the most outrageous laws(anti-biblical at that)to placate them. All this when the percentage of homosexuals in the community is around 2 per cent, I read.
    But nothing should surprise us. The Bible is very clear about how things will be in the last days.
    ‘People will no longer put up with sound doctrine , but will gather around them teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. .’ ( 2nd Timothy, chapt 3 and 4)

    I am sorry and sad to have say this, but the GA of the C of S, by their action on the 25th May , have sounded the death knell of the C of S as we know it.

    It is significant that not all the ministers in the Cof S had a vote, neither did all the Presbyteries, sessions or church members., nor was the vote postponed to give everyone a chance to say their say.Had they been offered a say , the outcome may have been very different.
    Instead, by devious proceedings, the Evangelicals were denied their Overture. What,may I ask is an Overture if it does not come ‘before ?’

    May God have mercy on us.

    However, Paul’s command to Timothy was to guard the Faith as it was passed on down to him and to pass it on intact.We must determine to do that too.


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